With economic woes a concern for many people in and around our area, you may be thinking of waiting to do your regular maintenance pumping of your septic system. Please keep in mind that a little preventative maintenance now may save you big money down the road. While it’s true that none of us know how long this downturn in the economy might last, it is not a wise decision to hold off on your regular septic pumping maintenance routine. Are you going to let your car go indefinitely without an oil change? Probably not, considering the expense that could ensue from such neglect. Be mindful of the consequences that are possible with septic system maintenance neglect. Did you know that new septic systems can cost upwards of $17,000.00? Did you also know that regular pumping maintenance of your existing, properly working, septic system can cost only pennies a day? Even new systems require regular pump outs to keep them from failing and needing replaced. There is simply no getting around the need for regularly scheduled pump outs of your septic system! Don’t put it off any longer and risk damage to or complete failure of your septic system. Call us today to schedule your septic tank pumping. *If we can do the pumping any time at our convenience within two weeks of your call, you may qualify for a discount. You may also qualify for a discount if you and one or more of your neighbors schedule to have your septic systems pumped out together. (*Some restrictions apply.)